Jan Rasmusen Praises "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide"

Jan Rasmusen is the nationally respected holistic dog care expert and award-winning author of the book Scared Poopless: The Straight Scoop on Dog Care. After reading The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, she said:

As a holistic dog care author, I knew exactly which experts to consult when my sweet Maltese Jiggy developed a large liver tumor. But even with advice from a top cancer specialist and help from a half dozen veterinary friends, I still had numerous questions. Exactly how should I adjust Jiggy’s diet? What supplements should I add? What else could I do to help him? I found the answers I sought and more in Dr. Dressler’s book. I was particularly impressed by the thoroughness of the information. The book is easy to read, but wonderfully complete. If your dog has cancer, I urge you to get two things: a second opinion … and this book.