Extra Ten Months of Quality Life

I purchased this book not long after my 14 yr old dog had been diagnosised with cancer and shortly afterly Dr Dressler released his book in the winter of 2009. My little dog was failing fast and I wasn’t getting any information about how best to assist her outside pain medication. I did my research and found Dr Dressler’s site on line. His philosohpy as well as information about canine cancer inpressed me so I ordered his book. I followed the information he outlined to the letter and as a result was able to give my dog an extra 10 months of quality life. Within a week after starting Dr Dressler’s program for dog’s with cancer I was able to put aside the doggy stroller and walk my dog again. The folks in our neighbourhood who were used to seeing us go with the dog were amazed with the difference in her. The stroller did not come out again until the last week of her life. I credit this wonderful man’s reseach and sharing that reseach with us to the extra 10 months I had with my dog. Dr Dressler also walks the reader sensitively through the process of knowing when it is time to let go and how to do that in a healthy manner. I have recommend his book over and over again.It is easy to read and understand and I know it works from personal experience if it is followed.